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Picture of MS21259-3RH Right hand thread: 10-32, cable diameter: 3/32", wire rope terminal, swaging, stud, long thread

10.74 Each 5 per pack

Picture of MS21260L4LH Thread: 1/4-28 left hand, cable diameter: 1/8", swaging, stud, long thread, MS21260 series fitting

18.71 Each 2 per pack

Picture of MS21260L4RH Thread: 1/4-28 right hand, cable diameter: 1/8", wire rope terminal, swaging, stud, long thread, MS21260 series stud

21.00 Each 2 per pack

Picture of MS21260S4RH Right hand thread: 1/4-28, cable diameter: 1/8", swaging, short thread

13.79 Each 5 per pack

No image available yet 1/4-28 right hand thread, 1/8 cable diameter, wire rope terminal, swaging, stud, long thread

RFQ 1 per pack

Picture of MS21260S4LH Left hand thread: 1/4-28, cable diameter: 1/8", swaging, short thread

RFQ 5 per pack
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