MS20426A3-6N BROWN

Military Standard Solid Rivet

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Solid Rivet part number MS20426A3-6N BROWN

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Additional Information

SKU / Model: MS20426A36NBROWN
Product Series: MS20426A3
Pack Weight (Approx.) 0.000 lb
Minimum Qty (MOQ): 1000 EA
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MS20426A3-6N BROWN_Military-Fasteners-com.pdf
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Very good experience. I liked Kristen Belmont - was a pleasure to work with - product shipped right away.


I've never received an incorrect order from ACS, even when dealing with small hardware such as nuts, washers, screws, etc. Shipment is always fast and with reasonable shipment prices for my needs. Even my smallest of orders is processed and ship quickly. I'm a long-time ACS customer and I expect I will be for a long time.


Awesome service. People are friendly, polite and fast to communicate with you!


Youre team did an excellent job as usual. The sheet metal and grommets arrived in excellent condition and were very well priced which I appreciate. Thanks again. Doug
