
Military Standard Solid Rivet

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MS20426AD3-7A Datasheet Features and Specification

Fastener Length:
0.428 inches minimum and 0.448 inches maximum
Head Style:
Flush (flat) countersunk (included angle - less than 135 deg w or w/o chamfer)
Shank Diameter:
0.093 inches minimum and 0.097 inches maximum
Shank Style:
Straight w/radius chamfered tip
Head Major Diameter:
0.175 inches minimum and 0.183 inches maximum
Countersink Angle:
99.5 degrees minimum and 100.5 degrees maximum
Aluminum alloy 2117 overall
Material Specification:
Qq-a-430, t4 fed spec single material response overall
Surface Treatment:
Anodize overall
Surface Treatment Specification:
Mil-a-8625, ty 2, cl 1, clear mil spec single treatment response overall

Additional Information

SKU / Model: MS20426AD37A
NSN: 5320-01-542-1577
FSC: Rivets / 5320
Pack Weight (Approx.) 0.000 lb
Minimum Qty (MOQ): 100
Schedule B: 7616.10.3000
National Motor Freight: 106510, Rivets I / S Plain / Galvanized Etc
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Solid Rivet


$0.20 Ea


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Military Fasteners is an exceptional company in terms of how they run their business. Very prompt and responsive to questions, concerns, quotes, and all other forms of inquiry. Brittany Cornish supports many of the business transactions we perform with Military Fasteners and has made working with them an absolute pleasure. I would highly recommend them to anyone seeking mil-spec hardware.


Tanks for the fantastic service. I ordered over the new year period and was amazed my shipment arrived so fast, all the way to New Zealand. Less than a week and that included clearing Customs. Awesome!!


Youre team did an excellent job as usual. The sheet metal and grommets arrived in excellent condition and were very well priced which I appreciate. Thanks again. Doug


You're the best of the best! Thanks for being there for all of us!
