
Military Standard Bearing

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Bearing part number MS19060-1018

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MS19060-1018 Datasheet Features and Specification

Rolling Element Diameter:
0.3750 inches nominal
Standard Tolerance Designation:
Afbma std tolerance for balls, grade 10
Steel comp 440a overall or steel comp 440b overall or steel comp 440c overall
Material Specification:
Aisi assn std all material responses overall
Style Designator:

Additional Information

SKU / Model: MS190601018
NSN: 3110-00-248-5865
FSC: Bearings, Antifriction, Unmounted / 3110
Product Series: MS19060
Pack Weight (Approx.) 0.000 lb
Minimum Qty (MOQ): 20
National Motor Freight: 114820, Bearings / Bushings Noi Ball / Roller
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