MS35058 Switches

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MS35058-21 Toggle Switch

heavy duty, screw terminals, with lever seal

$46.15 Each 1 per pack
MS35058-22 Toggle Switch

One pole, On and Off positions, MS35058 series switch

$95.56 Each 1 per pack
MS35058-23 Toggle Switch

25 amps at 28VDC, 10 amps at 115VAC/60Hz, momentary ON - OFF, swith lever seal, screw terminal, MS35058 series switch

$63.68 Each 1 per pack
MS35058-24 Toggle Switch

heavy duty, with lever seal, MS35058 series switch

$55.37 Each 1 per pack
MS35058-27 Toggle Switch

one pole, two positions (on and off), heavy duty AC rated, Eaton 8812K14, MS35058 series switch

$65.26 Each 1 per pack
MS35058-31 Toggle Switch

$58.85 Each 1 per pack
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