NAS1921M04S Rivets

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NAS1921M04S02 Blind Rivet

Size: 1/8", grip range: 1/16" - 1/8", blind rivet (huck), flush head, bulbed, general purpose, monel, for use with single action installation tool

$7.49 Each 10 per pack
NAS1921M04S03U Blind Rivet

NAS1921M04S03U Blind Rivet

$5.93 Each 10 per pack
NAS1921M04S04U Blind Rivet

NAS1921M04S04U Blind Rivet

$4.27 Each 10 per pack
NAS1921M04S06 Blind Rivet

size: 1/8", grip range: 5/16" - 3/8", blind rivet (huck), flush head, bulbed, general purpose, monel, for use with single action installation tool

$3.93 Each 10 per pack
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